
Adding to the immune system

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Here are tips in augmenting the immune system in your body:

1. Drinking green tea

Tea can increase the body's defense up to five times. That's because tea contains the chemical L-theanine, which turned into ethylamine in the liver. Ethylamine are molecules that provoke an immune response of blood cells, one of the T cell T cells that promote the secretion of interferon, a key defense against infection. Tea is also high in antioxidants.

2. eating yogurt

Yogurt contains probiotics that can improve your digestive health as well as your overall health. According to WHO, eating or drinking bacteria are "good" can increase your immune system, providing calcium kestra and live a longer and healthier.

3. Eating a bowl of chicken soup

Chicken soup is useful to ward off disease by helping airway secretions, helps hydration due to high water content in soups, and nourish the immune system with a protein from chicken and nutrients from vegetables.

4. Prioritaskan tidur

Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa orang yang mengidap insomnia kemungkinan besar juga didiagnosa memiliki kondisi medis lainnya. Alsannya, kekurangan tidur dapat menyebabkan sistem kekebalan tubuh yang membahayakan, menempatkan anda pada risiko terkena virus H1N1 flu babi dan banyak penyakit lainnya. Dapatkan tidur selama 7-5 jam semalam.

5. Relax

There is a wide range of negative effects that stress also has a role in your health. One of the most dangerous is dangerous to your immune system and puts you at greater risk of respiratory diseases and other diseases. Find the best way to manage your daily stressors take time to relax. Breathing can be one way. Inhale to the count of four and out with a count of six. Longer exhale naturally helps relaxation. You can not have anxiety if your muscles relax.

6. Synchronize your cilia

Stimulation of cilia by doing humming "ooooommmm" with a low tone. Vibration is bersinkrinisasi with normal cilia and will accelerate the cilia. Think of it as meditation for your health - humming "om" not only will synchronize your body's defense against respiratory diseases, including swine flu H1N1 virus, but also increase the immune system by helping to reduce the levels of stress and anxiety.

In addition to strengthening the immune system, make sure you take precautions to reduce the risk of getting H1N1 swine flu.